
Sep 9, 2024 - Kickoff Party

One of our headline sponsors, Cold Garden (the brewery/pub in Inglewood), is hosting our season opener party on Sunday, October 6 between 2 pm and 5 pm. They have a new brew called "Pool Party Ale" and are hoping to get some help from us in return. They'll be making promotional materials (photos and videos) and need some real people in pool attire to be included.

They'll provide the beer and the pool props, but we need to let them know who's in. If you're not comfortable being photographed, that's cool; you're still invited, but please make that known so you're out of the lens' range.

Other than showing up in, or changing into, some beachwear, you don't have to do anything else other than enjoy yourself.

On the RSVP form, we need to know if:
(a) you're coming to the season kickoff party, and if you're bringing a non-Apollo Curling friend;
(b) if you'll be in beachwear, ready for the lights, action, and camera.

Please RSVP here: Kickoff Party RSVP by Sep 15.

Aug 28, 2024 - Curling Clinic

The annual curling clinic has been scheduled for Saturday, Oct 5, starting at 2:00 pm. More details can be found on our Learn To Curl page. The link to the sign up form is on that page as well.

Aug 27, 2024 - Player Checklist

We've created a checklist that we need you to complete. The checklist covers things like:

You can find the checklist here:

Aug 26, 2024 - Season Update

The league has filled up very quickly, once again. The person who claimed the 42nd team spot claimed their place in line less than 5 minutes after registration opened up.

As a result of this unprecedented demand, we're excited to announce that we are increasing the team size cap from 6 to 7 players. If you choose to form a 7-player team, keep in mind that you'll still pay a single team fee, and it's up to your team to decide how to split that fee among the players. Remember, only 4 players are allowed to play during a game. If you choose to add another player to your team, please first have a look at the players who have signed up under "Looking For A Team" in the Contact List to give them a chance to experience the league.

Team Fees:

We are still working out what the team fee will be. It's possible there will be a small surcharge for large teams, but that is yet to be determined. Once the fee is finalized, you will receive a notice from the league, plus there will be a message in League Buddy waiting for you.

Benefits of a 7-player team:


Curling Schedule:
We're planning a 22-week schedule (that's 3 more games compared to last season!), including:

Stay tuned for the schedule, which will be posted in the coming weeks.

Team Pools:
We'll have 7 pools, each with 6 teams:

Aug 18, 2024 - Registration Queue

When registration opens on Sunday, August 25, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. MDT everyone will be placed in a queue. Your place in the queue determines the time when you can submit your registration. See the following instructions on how to use the system to secure your spot in the league.

registration screenshot
When you try to register, you'll see that you don't have a valid registration ticket.

registration screenshot
You'll need to browse to the Get In Line site, and get a ticket code from there.

registration screenshot
Once you have your code, pay close attention to the Valid From and Until times. That is the window when you can register using that code.

Registration is currently capped at 40 teams. If we fill up with 40 teams, and have 2 teams on the waiting list, we will then expand to 42, but that is our maximum capacity. If you find registration full, make sure you put your team's name on the waiting list.

League Buddy - League Profile

A new section for your league profile has been added this year. There, you can indicate how interested you are in participating in social events. This is especially important if you're not interested in an event. If we know there is very little interest, we won't proceed with organizing something where we will receive minimal participation. Please ensure your profile is up to date. Check your profile by visiting this page: Profile Info

Jul 25, 2024 - Upcoming Season

While it might seem a tad early to be thinking about curling, we’re excited to announce that registration for the 2024/25 season will be opening up on Sunday, August 25, 2024. Here are some important details to keep in mind before signing up:

  1. League Buddy Enhancements:
  2. Team Registration:
  3. Name Tags:
  4. League Fees:
  5. Social Events:
  6. Expanded League Capacity:
  7. Learn To Curl Clinic:
  8. Spare Players:
  9. Season Kick Off Party:

We’re looking forward to an exciting season ahead!  If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out.


Dec 28, 2023 - Apollo Curling made the news!

Sep 23, 2023 - Expansion is going ahead!

We are excited to announce that we can now run the league with a historic 40 teams this season!

We have been able to work out an arrangement with the other leagues that curl at North Hill on Saturdays. The leagues that start before Apollo have agreed to begin earlier, and the league that follows us has agreed to start later, allowing us to have three draw times instead of our previous two.

The new draw times for Apollo are as follows:

In general, all teams will alternate between these time slots. Please note that the alternating time slots cannot be guaranteed between rounds or during playoffs.

You'll notice there is only a 5-minute gap between the last draw and the next draw. To ensure the ice is cleaned between draws, teams must be aware of the buzzer and make sure they are off the ice before the scheduled time ends. The buzzer rule is that you must finish the end you're on when the buzzer goes off. Please play your last end expeditiously.

If you were "Looking For A Team," please check out the contact list to see which team you've been assigned to.

We are going to organize five pools of 8 teams. A round will consist of 8 weeks of play. Every week, there will be 4 teams with a bye, except for the last day of each round, where there will be more than 4 teams with a bye.

You can request a specific date for a bye in League Buddy. Please note that these requests are not guaranteed and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis, assuming it works within the schedule.

This season, we have introduced many new initiatives, including name tags, additional social events, and more teams than ever before.

We've created a checklist that we'd like you to complete. The checklist covers things like:

You can find the checklist here:

Thanks for your understanding as we navigate the growing pains of the league. We are looking forward to our best season of curling ever. Please reach out to us with any questions you have about this new arrangement.

Sep 14, 2023 - Curling Clinic: The curling clinic is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, Oct 1, 2023, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. To join, check the Learn To Curl page and send an email indicating which clinic you wish to attend. Once you have emailed us, we will send you more specific information.

Aug 8, 2023 - League Update

Registration opening date: Aug 26, 2023, 8:00 am mountain time.

Team registration fee is tentatively set at: $1,250 per team (to be confirmed)

Max players per team: 6 people

All players are subject to an additional $13 for membership in Curling Alberta. This is only paid once per person per year, so if you are curling elsewhere in the province, you may be paying it there first. If that’s the case, note that when you register, so we don’t charge you as well. The Fee Booklet from Curling Alberta explains all the details about this fee.

All players registered by September 15th will be issued a magnetic name tag. Make sure the name in your League Buddy profile is updated with what you want the name tag to display. Players registered after September 15th will receive their name tag when the next batch is ordered.

Spare players: All sparing requests and acceptance need to be arranged through League Buddy. New this year: Spares will be charged $7 for every game played, up to a maximum of 15 games for the season, in other words it’s capped at $105 dollars for the season. Spares will be sent an invoice in December, and after the final game of the season that includes the unpaid activity to date. Spares can continue to play after they’ve reached their cap, but they won’t be charged for additional games. All sparing activity has to comply with the spare rules posted at

Volunteering: All teams will be expected to take turns selling 50/50 tickets in the lounge. For other events, individuals can sign up on the page in League Buddy – this includes taking photos for Instagram, as well as helping out with social events and bonspiels.

IceBreaker – all players registered on a team are requested to complete the profile found on LeagueBuddy. Players can put as much or as little info there as they want. The answers provided are not attributable back to the individual, but instead mixed together for the team they’re registered on. Before a game, teams can check out the combined IceBreaker answers for their opposing team, and can see if they can figure out which player may have supplied which answer. It’s a fun way to try to get to know your other league members.

Schedule: we are expecting 32 teams, which is our capacity. Unlike last year, we’ll be forming four pools instead of last year’s eight. However, with 8 teams in each pool, that will take too long for every team to play every other team in their pool, so we’ll modify it a bit where every team will randomly be assigned one opponent in their pool that they don’t play. The schedule will be made up of 2 sets of modified round robin tournaments followed by a playoff round.

The season kickoff party will be held on Sunday, September 10 between 2:00 and 5:00 pm. The location is Rising Tides Taproom at 4545 Bowness Road NW. They have a dog-friendly patio. We do need to have an idea of how many people are attending, so please RSVP (whether you’re coming or not) to rasker [at] and indicate if you’re bringing any guests.


Jul 29, 2023 - Registration Opening Announcement

Registration will open on Saturday, August 26th at 8:00 am MDT. It is anticipated that the league will fill up to the maximum capacity of 32 teams before the end of the day on Saturday, so don’t delay if you want to play.

Pre-registration check list:

▢ Figure out who is going to be on your team. Each member must register individually.

▢ If you’re new to the league, create a profile on League Buddy before registration opens.

▢ If you’re a returning player, review your League Buddy personal information and league profile to ensure that info is up to date.

▢ Determine if you’re curling in another league this winter. If you are, decide where you’re paying your $13 Curling Alberta fee. You’ll need to state whether you’re paying it through Apollo or somewhere else when you register.

▢ If you are a new curler, plan to attend the curling clinic offered in late September or early October to teach you the basics. Once the date is finalized, we’ll start accepting registrations for the clinic.


Jul 3, 2023 - Upcoming Season

The upcoming 2023/24 curling season is set to introduce exciting new elements while also bringing back fan favorites. We are dedicated to providing a memorable experience for all participants, whether they are new to the sport or seasoned players looking to improve their skills.

To kick off the season, we will host a free Learn to Curl clinic. This clinic aims to familiarize brand new curlers with the game while also helping experienced players enhance their abilities. Additionally, we are planning a strategy workshop during the first round of play, allowing participants to delve deeper into the intricacies of the sport.

Anticipating a high level of interest, we will accommodate 32 teams this season, returning to a 4-pool format. However, to fit two rounds and playoffs into the season, we will slightly condense the round-robin. While this means not every team will face each other, it also eliminates the repetition of playing against the same teams repeatedly, as was the case with smaller pool sizes.

In an exciting move, we are reintroducing the popular 50/50 draws. Each team will take turns selling 50/50 tickets in the lounge after the games. This presents an excellent opportunity to mingle with fellow players and enjoy some camaraderie.

To facilitate better interaction among players, all participants will receive permanent magnetic name tags. Remembering opponents' names will become much easier, fostering a friendlier and more inclusive environment.

We are introducing an IceBreaker questionnaire for every player to complete. The answers from all team members will be mixed together, and it will be the opposing team's challenge to match the responses to each individual. This adds an entertaining and engaging element to the competition.

Throughout the season, we will also organize occasional social nights at the rink. After the last draw, players can choose to stick around or return for activities like bingo, trivia, or even a friendly game of Family Feud. These events aim to foster a sense of community and provide a fun-filled atmosphere for all participants.

For those interested in capturing and reliving the memorable moments, we will continue featuring the fun and competitive spirit of our league on our Instagram page. Volunteers will be on hand to capture candid shots from the ice or the lounge, so be sure to follow @apollocurling on Instagram for exciting updates if you haven't already.

We have a few more surprises up our sleeves which you won't want to miss, so if you haven't finalized your team, make sure to do so before the end of the summer. Registration tends to fill up quickly, usually within 24 hours. Stay tuned for our registration announcement, coming soon.

Get ready for an incredible curling season filled with new experiences and old traditions!

Sep 3, 2022 - League Fees can be paid now.

League fees have been set, and you can pay now on League Buddy. If you don't see your amount owing, try clicking the refresh icon (two circular arrows) by the Notification heading on the main page of League Buddy, or perhaps try viewing the site using a different browser or device, or you can clear the League Buddy cookie from your browser.

Aug 28, 2022 - Registration has filled up.

We are full at 32 teams! Thanks everyone for your support and interest in our league!

Aug 16, 2022 - Registration for the 2022/23 curling season will begin August 27, 2021 at 7:00 AM MDT.

We will start a waiting list after 24 teams and cut off registration at 32 teams.

The league will only operate with 24, 28 or 32 teams. We usually fill up quickly to 28 teams, so get your teams sorted out and be ready to register during the last week in August, or risk missing out on the season.

Curling Clinic: The curling clinic is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, Oct 2, 2022, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. To join, check the Learn To Curl page and send an email indicating which clinic you wish to attend. Once you have emailed us, we will send you more specific information.

Update: 2021/22 Season - The league is going ahead, however the Covid-19 situation can change quickly, so we can’t make any promises about season continuity.

Oct 1, 2021 - 2 weeks until the start of the season:

Your To-Do List

The schedule is posted

The game schedule for Round 1 is now available on League Buddy. We were able to accommodate nearly all the bye requests – they were granted on a first come, first served basis.

You can download calendar reminders for each scheduled game through League Buddy.

If your team is tasked with “Instagram”, it’s your team’s responsibility to take a few photographs at the rink the day of your game. Make sure you have permission from any people in the photos. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Looking for inspiration? Check out Send your photos to organizers [@] so we can post them.

Vaccine Status Check

There will be a table at the curling rink on Oct 16 to check vaccine status for anyone who hasn’t been checked yet. For those people who aren’t available on the 16th, you’ll need to track down an organizer (Phil I, Geoff H, Shawn G or Mark G) in order to be checked prior to stepping on the ice. You’ll know that you’ve been checked if there is no asterisk beside your name in the Contact List in League Buddy.

Confirm which dates you’re playing

In League Buddy, you can let the rest of your team know that you’re planning to show up for your games. On the default page, under Quick Picks, choose Confirm Availability, then pick the game date, then indicate whether you’re available or not available.

Need a spare player?

If you don’t have enough players available for a game, you should request a spare player. This needs to be done through League Buddy. Try to give as much notice as possible (3 days or more is preferred). On the default page, under Quick Picks, choose Find A Spare. Indicate which date, and how many spare players you’re looking for, then choose which people from the spare list that you want to issue the invitation to. They will accept or decline the invitation through League Buddy. If it's a last minute request, you still need to request it through League Buddy, but you should try to confirm with the spare player directly (phone or text).

After each game

The winning team (or either of the teams in the event of a tie) need to enter the score for the game in League Buddy. After the game is over and the scores are entered, there is a link on the email to confirm the roster. Click that to confirm which players actually played the game. You can also rate any spare players on their skill level.


Curling Clinic: The curling clinic is scheduled for Saturday morning, September 25, 2021. To join, check the Learn To Curl page and send an email indicating which clinic you wish to attend. Once you have emailed us, we will send you more specific information.

Aug 31, 2021 - A few important notes about the upcoming season:

Aug 22, 2021 - A few items about curling that are new this year:

July 31, 2021 - Registration for the 2021/22 curling season will begin August 28, 2021 at 7:00 AM MDT.

We will start a waiting list after 24 teams and cut off registration at 32 teams.

The league will only operate with 24, 28 or 32 teams. We usually fill up quickly to 28 teams, so get your teams sorted out and be ready to register during the last week in August, or risk missing out on the season.